Let's see where to begin. Last we spoke we were heading over to Malawi for the dedication. It was fabulous. We had been working on the program and the planning of this event for several months. When it finally came down to the last couple of days, we were ready. Sister Bullock and Arlene were at the chapel and Elder Bullock and I went out to the airport to meet Elder Russell M. Nelson and Elder Dale G. Renlund and their wives. It was so great to be with these Brethren. When I greeted Elder Nelson he said, "How are you Mikele?" I said we are doing very well. He asked, "Have you got all of the tree's cut down yet?" I told him no, not yet. We went on to the meeting and enjoyed the Spirit that comes from such a great event. Later in the day as we were on the way back to the airport, Elder Nelson spoke of the "tree" question. He said, "Remember President, your job here is to cut down the tree's. You just get us pointed in the right direction. Someone else will pave the road." I am thankful for those simple words. For me they spoke volumes. Since we came here, we have wanted to do so much. We feel everyday that we are running out of time. We have so many things we want to do. But because of "things" you just can't. My "things" list is a block long. We are so hampered here. We lack the electronics that we need. If the powers not off, the Internet is down, and if the Internet is not down the cell phones won't work. So it goes on and on. I am thankful that the old "Mike" the one who has no patience is not here anymore. The Mission President has taught him that it will all take place in the Lord's own time. I am thankful for those simple words, "Just cut down the tree's Mikele". We hope you were able to see some of the pictures on the Internet and in the Church News. After the dedication, we were able to go out with some of the missionaries to a wild game park. We will put up some of the pictures tonight. If the Internet works, HA! We just got back from a week in Johannesburg. We were invited down to a conference with all of the other Mission Presidents and their wives. We had a wonderful time. We were able to listen to council from our Area Presidency. They are inspired men and we were filled with good council and good food. We were able to do some shopping there. We even went to a Cheetah Park. We were up close and personal with them. Oh my! It was very exciting. The things you get to do on a mission are things you only dream of. To be in the wild with these animals is beyond words.
We have been home now for a few days. We have been working hard. We were blessed this week with a new couple to work in the office here. We are so blessed. They will be such an asset to us. We pray that the rest of you will want to come. We have lots of room and there is plenty of work to do. Next month we will have our own Public Affairs couple come and be here. We have so many things to do. It will be so great to have them help with all of the projects we have planned. We are sorry it has taken us so long to post to the blog. We have been on the run. We are now in the rainy season. Now for us at home, you might get some rain. but here we get RAIN. Oh my were talking major league rain and the lighting! WOW! It just shakes the house. I am so happy to pull the covers over my head. Samantha, you would never survive! Wow! We hope all is well with you all. We miss you. We love you. We think of you always. We are thankful that the Lord took a chance on us. We thank all of you for your kind words, your love and prayers. We hope you like the pictures. We will write again soon.
xoxox M&A
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